Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Lethal Combination

I thought my head was gonna explode. Fully aware of my beef allergy diagnosis but not entirely convinced of it, I had teriyaki beef for lunch with my honey, a LOT of teriyaki beef. Within 30 minutes, my head started hurting and I thought it was from the MSG in the beef. Progressively, my headache became one of the worst I ever experienced that it couldn't have been just the MSG causing it. Thinking back, I remembered one of my coworkers telling me that when she had the worst headache ever, the doctor from the emergency room told her she was experiencing an allergic reaction, most likely to some seeds in the Indian food she had eaten earlier. Great, this must be what I'm experiencing due to the beef. I discussed with my honey about getting some ipecac syrup from the pharmacy but it may be too late by the time we get it. Well, we thought of an alternative and needless to say, it worked like a charm. I'm all better now :-)

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