Thursday, November 11, 2004

Looking forward to moving out

If all goes well, I should be moving into my new place in the next couple weeks. Here are 5 reasons why I'm looking forward to moving out:

1. I can sleep during the day without being waken up by noises around the house.
2. I can regulate the thermostat to attain normal room temperature so I no longer have to freeze in the winter or boil in the summer.
3. I don't have to worry anymore about sudden water temperature changes in the shower when someone flushes the toilet or uses the sink.
4. I no longer have to stare at a week's worth of leftovers in the refrigerator that my family has a habit of accumulating.
5. I can walk around in my babysuit whenever I want :-)

Deep down though, I'll miss living with my family.

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