Thursday, July 8, 2004

All Work, No Play

Yesterday, my honey and I went to dinner with one of my friends from pharmacy school, whom I haven't seen in over half a year, to chat, laugh, and enjoy the good old times. We also tried inviting another classmate to come along, but she couldn't make it because she was busy working. I really wished she could have made it since it's been at least a year since we all last hung out. Sometimes I wonder why she works all the time (7 days a week). Is is because she's a workaholic or is it because she likes the money? To me, life is at its best when it's well balanced between work and play. I just hope she has no regrets in the end. Towards the end of the evening, I asked my friend when he thinks all of us can hang out next, and he said "probably in 10 years." A moment later, we both laughed knowing that he's probably right.

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