Back in the old days, I preferred playing full court basketball games as a form of aerobic exercise, but these days, it’s too physical for me to play with elbows flying around everywhere. Since then, I’ve tried other types of aerobic activities, but I haven’t found one that I could stick with until now (I hope).
Running was my second choice for a good cardio workout, but it was just too hard on my knees and feet. Next, I tried bicycling, but I didn’t like the fact that my arms weren’t doing anything. Later, I gave the elliptical bike a try, and while I was getting a workout for both my upper and lower body, I didn’t enjoy standing up as much as I did sitting down from bicycling . I know, it’s kinda lame, but I do enough standing at work. Well, I’m onto using a rowing machine now, and so far so good. I get a decent workout on both my legs and arms, I’m able to attain my target heart rate, and I also get to sit down!