Sunday, December 7, 2008

Q & A

Valerie is really growing up as she is communicating like a mini-adult and learning more words. She’ll give consistent answers whenever Sherry and I ask her the same questions over and over. It’s really wonderful to see her develop and see the kind of person that she’ll become.

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Red

Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: Polar bear

Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Milk

Q: Who is your best friend?
A: Mommy

Q: What do you want to do today?
A: Color and read books

Q: What do you want for Christmas?
A: Books and clothes

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: Nurse (I’ll still try to train her into a tennis prodigy, haha!)