Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Daredevil Valerie

This happened a couple weeks ago on my watch and baby Valerie sure gave me quite a scare! I woke up in the middle of the night and left her sleeping on the mattress and when I came back an hour later, I found her lying on the floor face down! Thank goodness she was sleeping soundly and wasn't seriously hurt because the mattress was only less than a foot off the ground. I know she turns sideways at times from kicking her legs while crying constantly but I didn't hear her cry at all when I was in the other bedroom. I have to say that I've been really dumbfounded by how she was able to pull off this stunt.

The pic below is a recreation of an actual event using a fictional character:

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Movie Season

5/5/06: Mission: Impossible 3
5/18/06: The Da Vinci Code
5/26/06: X-Men: The Last Stand
6/30/06: Superman Returns

A lot of movies are coming out in the next few months and I can't wait. It's been a while since I've seen a good flick so I hope the ones I'm interested in seeing don't dissapoint. So which one am I most excited about seeing? Definitely Superman Returns. This movie has gone through as many script changes as director and lead actor changes. At one point, Nicholas Cage, Brendan Fraser, and Keanu Reeves were up for the role of playing the Man of Steel, but thank goodness, it didn't happen. I think picking an unknown like Brandon Routh is the way to go. With Bryan Singer onboard as director (he left X-Men 3 to do Superman), Superman Returns should rock if his X-Men movies were any indication of how good this one will be.